Stawnichy’s Tattoo Hall of Fame
While the buzz may have died down, the art lives forever on these die-hard Stawnichy’s fans!
In case you missed it, earlier this year we organized a campaign where anyone who gets a Stawnichy’s tattoo gets a free sausage a year for life. The project found its way into Edmonton’s local media and gained a platform to be seen by the whole city.
After two TV news features aired, plus a few radio interviews, word began to spread and people started creating their own Stawnichy-inspired designs!
It all started as a bet: one of the Stawnichy family members, Kyler, bet his friend that he would pay for him to get a Stawnichy’s tattoo. Arrangements were made, and said friend proudly (or perhaps reluctantly?) followed through, walking away with a truly impressive piece!
This definitely needed more attention though, so we posted the story to our socials and YEGGERS loved it! We were so impressed by how many passionate Stawnichy’s fans showed up!
The designs we’ve seen so far have all been creative and meaningful, and we are proud that so many people want to be connected to Stawnichy’s for life!
FUN FACT: When Kyler and his friend first rolled into Easy Tiger Tattoo with their one-of-a-kind idea, they soon found out that they were actually not the first. Just two weeks before, another Stawnichy’s fan came into the exact same tattoo shop and asked for this piece:
Easy Tiger Tattoo decided to donate half of the proceeds of all future Stawnichy’s tattoos to the Boyle Street Community Services, so Stawnichy’s jumped in and matched the other half. Now all future Stawnichy’s tattoos will have 100% of the proceeds going to charity.

Props to this amateur artist who tattooed himself!
For all who are asking: yes, the offer still stands for anyone who wants to join the Hall of Fame! If you’d like more info or some Stawnichy’s logos and images to design your own, email, and we highly recommend our pals at Easy Tiger Tattoo if you’re looking for an artist!